Take our learning skills assessment
- Each assessment is game based & takes less than 5 minutes
- Taken by over 40,000 students in the past 25 year and age- normed
(ranked) from thousands of users your exact age from age 7 to adult

Receive a customized 8 page report at completion
What Will You Learn To Do Better in School?
- Identify your strengths
- Learn which academic subjects best align with your strengths type
- Understand why some academic subjects may be more challenging than others
What Will You Learn About Yourself?
- Learn what you are great at
- Discover what uniquely makes you, you
- Understand your learning strengths
- Understand what careers/professions align best with your skills
How Does it Work?
Our standardized cognitive assessments are the same type of assessments that you would find in the Wechsler Intelligence Test which is one of the most common tests among educators to determine your IQ. The problem with these types of tests is they focus on the average of the multiple assessments given and give you one number. They fail to clearly highlight exactly what your cognitive strengths and weaknesses are and how they can help or hinder you academically, vocationally, and professionally. The even bigger problem is to take one of these traditional in-person assessments with an educational psychologist that specializes in administering them is it takes one to two days and costs up to $5,000 to $8,000 nowadays. It is not practical & not affordable for most people.
Our schools are designed to academically educate students. Unfortunately, they don’t teach or show students how they learn. Our goal is for everyone to be able to know how they learn best and what their cognitive strengths are so they can best excel academically, vocationally, and professionally. DyslexiaSkills was developed by a school psychologist working in the California school district for over 30 years. His mission was to be able to give every student a clear, objective, and free way to zero in on their unique cognitive strengths & challenges to achieve academic, vocational, and personal success. Following Dr. Stanley Riley’s mission this program is free. Our online assessments can be self-administered or proctored with a student’s parent or other educational professionals. Please give us your feedback once you have taken the assessment and reviewed your customized report. Get Started
- IQ Skills ai is a computer-generated group of standard cognitive learning process assessments that are age-normed and standardized from age 7 to adult.
- Our assessments increase in complexity as you progress and each assessment stops after repeated guessing. It is age-normed and standardized from age 7 to adult.
- There are 12 different 2 to 5-minute assessments. To date, it has been taken by over 40,000 students.
- A comprehensive 8-page report is automatically generated upon completion of the 12 assessments. It identifies your learning strengths, and the academic subjects + vocational areas that align best with your strengths. It also identifies any learning weaknesses and how they can be minimized/improved through specific classroom accommodations and simple exercise recommendations.
- The report is designed for students to share it with their parents, teachers, tutors, and academic advisors.
Customer Feedback

Sara Thompson
Boulder, Colorado

Jeanna Thom
Manhattan Beach, California

Missy Cambe
Nantucket, Massachusetts
Types of Intelligences

Identify your unique set of IQ Strengths And Learn how they work together

Direct attention to a single subject
Follow a single subject through many interruptions.Control attention while doing many tasks
Visual Memory
The ability to immediately recall what you have seen
Accurately retain large amounts of visual materials.Able to recall specific visual details at will
Auditory Memory
The ability to immediately recall what you have heard
Able to recall instructions they have heard, accurately.Ability to recall an entire auditory experiences in detail
Verbal Production
Using spoken words to share thoughts
Ability to express ideas clearly and specifically.Have a large and accurate vocabulary
Visual Motor Learning
Kinesthetic Learning
Remember accurately new material they have written.Have fine motor muscle dexterity; write legibly
Visual Abstraction
Understanding what is seen
Can accurate interpretation of what they have seen.Able to carry out written directions accurately
Non Verbal Concepts
Deductive Reasoning
Good at understanding abstract or complicated ideas.Find similar meaning in different categories
Auditory Sequencing
Remembering what is heard in order
Outstanding mathematical problem solving.Complex auditory directions are easily carried out
Remember visual relations among objects
Able to construct structures without specific plans
follow written directions in construction
Visual Motor Memory
Kinesthetic Memory
Able to reproduce drawings neatly & accurately.Full, rich recall of written or drawn material
Visual Sequencing
Remembering what is seen in order
High level of accuracy with detailed written material.Excellent visual organization skills for written materials
Auditory Abstraction
Understanding what is heard
An ability to understand complex auditory information.An ability to learn quickly from verbal information
Verbal Production
Using spoken words to share thoughts
- Ability to express ideas clearly and specifically
- Have a large and accurate vocabulary
Logical Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
- Good at understanding abstract or complicated ideas
- Find similar meaning in different categories
Spatial Reasoning
Remember visual relations among objects
- Able to construct structures without specific plans
- follow written directions in construction
Direct attention to a single subject
- Follow a single subject through many interruptions
- Control attention while doing many tasks
Visual Memory
The ability to immediately recall what you have seen
- Accurately retain large amounts of visual materials
- Able to recall specific visual details at will
Visual Sequencing
Remembering what is seen in order
- High level of accuracy with detailed written material
- Excellent visual organization skills for written materials
Visual Abstraction
Understanding what is seen
- Can accurate interpretation of what they have seen
- Able to carry out written directions accurately
Auditory Memory
The ability to immediately recall what you have heard
- Able to recall instructions they have heard, accurately
- Ability to recall an entire auditory experiences in detail
Auditory Abstraction
Understanding what is heard
- An ability to understand complex auditory information
- An ability to learn quickly from verbal information
Auditory Sequencing
Remembering what is heard in order
- Outstanding mathematical problem solving
- Complex auditory directions are easily carried out
Visual Motor Learning
Kinesthetic Learning
- Remember accurately new material they have written
- Have fine motor muscle dexterity; write legibly
Visual Motor Memory
Kinesthetic Memory
- Able to reproduce drawings neatly & accurately
- Full, rich recall of written or drawn material
Famous People with Well Known Learning Strengths & Differences

Henry Ford
(Industrialist), (Ford Motor Company)

Thomas Edison
(Inventor), (Edison Electric)

Emma Watson
(Actresss), (Harry Potter Productions)
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